Silence wrote:At some point, when a character is high enough level, is it possible to dumatokgor, shienoget, fehalito, ( off the top of my head can't think of other spells) a titan for example ? ( grandmaster, hellspawn, timelord.. etc ..any high level mob )
I am not sure about dumatokgor, it was never meant to charm really high level monsters, but I agree that shienoget and fehalito probably need to be beefed up a bit.
Silence wrote:Is it even based on char level verse mob level ? or something else ? Are they immune ?
I recall having a level 120 ranger on the pc version and was unable to affect certain mobs... can u shed some light on this topic plz ?
They are not immune, it is based on the difference in your levels.
Silence wrote:Edit .... also, once u fail to evade to the back of the party ... can u try again and succeed ? I dont think ive ever suceeded against a titan.
You can try as many times as you like.
Silence wrote:I know this was posted elsewhere i can't find it for the life of me... level 6 full raise spell.. ( Kominalito ) at what 'CON' is it 100% success or is it ever 100% ?
You never get 100% success or anything even close. However in 2.0, I changed it so that if you throw a Full Raise and it fails, it automatically give you a second chance, acting as a Partial Raise.